The Biography of

Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

Compiled and presented by

Lesson 20

The Slander

The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam used to cast lots whenever he intended to go on an expedition to decide which one of his wives should accompany him. In the expedition of Banu al-Mustaliq the lot had fallen on Aisha Radhi Allahu Anha and she had accordingly accompanied him. At one of the halts on the way back to Madinah, the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam spent a part of the night before he ordered to break the camp. Aisha Radhi Allahu Anha had gone to relieve the needs of nature and when she came back she discovered that she had dropped her necklace. She went back to search for it. By the time she returned the army had moved off. The camel drivers, who had the charge of Aisha's Radhi Allahu Anha transport, thinking that she would be in it as usual moved ahead. Aisha Radhi Allahu Anha was very light in weight so none could notice if she was present or not. When Aisha Radhi Allahu Anha came back she found no trace of the army. She wrapped herself in a cloth and lay down in the hope that as soon as they would discover the mistake some one would come to fetch her.

Safwan Ibn al-Mu'attal as-Salami Radhi Allahu Anhu had earlier fallen behind the army. He happened to pass by Aisha Radhi Allahu Anha. He saw her and brought his camel near her and turned back a few paces. After Aisha Radhi Allahu Anha was seated on the camel, Safwan Radhi Allahu Anhu took hold of the camel's halter and went ahead quickly in search of the army. Nobody took any notice of the incident for such mishaps were not unusual in the caravans trekking the vast emptiness of the Arabian wilderness. To the wayfaring Arabs it was just a familiar happening and their code of honour, even in the days of the pagan past, never tolerated the disgrace of their women.

The Sahabah held the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam in the same esteem as one has for ones father while the wives of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam were the 'mothers of the believers'. Safwan Ibn al-Mu'attall Radhi Allahu Anhu was a man of sterling qualities and had the reputation of being least interested in women.

In short, nobody paid any attention to the incident and the matter would have been forgotten had not Abdullah Ibn Ubbay walked into the picture. On coming back to Madinah, Abdullah Ibn Ubbay went to work to capitalise on the incident. He had found out something that could be utilised by him to slander the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and his household. By spreading false rumours he could weaken the sentiments of love and admiration the Muslims had for their prophet. A few injudicious Muslims without making sure were also taken in by the crafty conspirator.

Aisha Radhi Allahu Anha had no idea of the dirty accusations being made against her. When she came to know of it she was bewildered. Plunged into sorrow, her anguish brought her to tears. She was distressed, but was also confident and composed like one who knows that truth ultimately prevails. She knew in her heart of hearts that Allah would ultimately protect her honour and bring shame to the lying slanderers. But, it had never crossed her mind that Allah would send down a revelation concerning her. (1)

"Verily those who spread the slander are a group among you. Consider it not as a bad thing for you. Rather, it is good for you. Every man of them will be paid that which he had earned of the sin and as for him among them who had the greater share therein his will be an awful doom. Why did not the believers, men and women, when you heard it, think good of their own people and say: This is an obvious lie?" (Surah An-Noor, Verse 11-12)



Lessons to learn

  • The incident proved that the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam did not have knowledge of the unseen else he could have refuted the false accusations against Aisha Radhi Allahu Anha the moment he had heard them.
  • The Prophet's Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam qualities of patience, forbearance and wisdom were again demonstrated in the manner he handled the incident from beginning to end.
  • The incident demonstrated Aisha's Radhi Allahu Anha patience and perseverance.
  • The severity of the sin of slandering a pure woman in Islam was established. It is such a major sin that the perpetrator must be given eighty lashes in punishment.



The Treaty of Hudaibiyah

As Islam began to establish itself as a power in Arabia a return to the holy Ka'bah began to seem more likely.

A Dream

It was in the sixth year of Hijri that the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam had a dream that he had entered Makkah and performed Umrah. The Sahabah were overjoyed when he told them about the vision. They had been waiting for a pilgrimage to Makkah all those years and were looking forward to the day when their heart's desire would be fulfilled. They could not forget that they had no less a claim to the Ka'bah than the other tribes. The Muhajireen were the most overjoyed because they could once again return to the birthplace that they had been forced to leave.

Trip to Makkah

It was the month of Dhul Qadah, in the sixth year of Hijri when the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam set out for Makkah with the intention of performing the Umra. He had with him fourteen hundred Sahabah dressed in the garb of pilgrims along with their sacrificial animals. None were allowed to carry any arms except a sword, which was an indispensable part of any Arab journey. But, the sword too had to be kept sheathed.

When the Quraish heard of this they decided to stop their advance into Makkah. They made vigorous preparations to prevent him from performing the Umrah. The Muslims were forced to encamp at Hudaibiyah, just outside Makkah. As the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam had no intention of fighting, he sent Uthman Radhi Allahu Anhu to the Quraish to tell them that he had not come for war but merely for performing the Umrah.

Uthman Radhi Allahu Anhu went to Makkah and delivered the message to Abu Sufyaan and other leaders of the Quraish. They said to him : "If you want to go around the holy sanctuary you may."

Uthman Radhi Allahu Anhu replied : "How is it possible that I avail myself of this opportunity when the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is denied it?" (2)

The pledge of Ridhwaan

Uthman Radhi Allahu Anhu was placed under house arrest but the rumour spread that he had been killed. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam summoned the people to take an oath to avenge Uthman's Radhi Allahu Anhu death. Everybody gathered around the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam impatiently. Standing under the shade of a tree, the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam took the oath one by one from the fourteen hundred Sahabah standing around him. Not one failed to take the oath and at last the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam struck one of his hands on the other, saying: "This is the pledge on behalf of Uthman." This was the very same pledge under the acacia tree which the Quran mentions :

"Allah was well pleased with the believers when they swore allegiance to you beneath the tree : He knew what was in their hearts and He sent down tranquillity upon them and rewarded them with a near victory." (Surah Al-Fath, verse 18)



Lessons to learn

  • The greatness of Uthman Radhi Allahu Anhu was shown when he said that he would never perform Umrah without the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Every one of the Sahabah were such that they would not dare to do anything unless commanded by their master.
  • The pledge to avenge his 'murder' taken by the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and the Sahabah and the mention of it in the Quran further showed how important Uthman Radhi Allahu Anhu was.



Love for the master

Urwa Ibn Mas'ud came to the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam to discuss the matter with him. During his short stay in the Muslim camp he noticed an amazing thing. Whenever the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam spat, his Sahabah ran to get it on their hands and rubbed it on their faces. If he asked for anything, they vied for complying with his orders. If he performed ablution, they struggled to get the water he had used and if he spoke everybody listened with rapt attention. Nobody dared even to look straight into his eyes. When Urwa went back to the Quraish, he said: "I have been to the courts of kings and have seen the splendour of Caesar, Chosroes and Negus, but never have I seen a king being so revered as Muhammad by his Sahabah." He advised the Quraish to accept the terms offered to them by the Muslims.

Treaty of Peace

The Quraish finally decided to send Suhayl Ibn Amr to negotiate the terms of the treaty. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam agreed to prepare a peace agreement. He summoned Ali Radhi Allahu Anhu and told him to write: "In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful." Suhayl protested: "I do not recognise Rahmaan (the Beneficent)." The Prophet then directed Ali Radhi Allahu Anhu: "Write: In Your name, 0 Allah." Certain Muslims whispered in disapproval, but the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said again: "Let it be: 'In your name, 0 Allah.' "

Then the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam asked Ali Radhi Allahu Anhu to write: "This is what Muhammad, the messenger of Allah, has decided."

Suhayl again objected : "I swear by Allah, if we had witnessed that you were Allah's messenger we would not have turned you away from the House of Allah nor fought with you. You should write: Muhammad Ibn Abdullah."

"I am Allah's messenger even if you disbelieve in me", replied the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam but asked Ali Radhi Allahu Anhu to rub out what he had written earlier. "By Allah, I cannot do it", replied Ali Radhi Allahu Anhu.

The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam asked Ali Radhi Allahu Anhu to point out the place to be rubbed out. Ali Radhi Allahu Anhu pointed it out to him and he erased it.



Lessons to learn

  • When the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam signed the peace treaty he taught the Muslims that giving into something which does not contradict any command or law of Islam is an acceptable principle in negotiations.


Treaty or Trial

The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam started dictating the clause: "The agreement is made that the Quraish shall not obstruct the Muslims from making pilgrimage to the house of Allah." Suhayl again raised an objection: "I fear the Arabs would say that we have been flexible to you in making this agreement. You can perform the pilgrimage next year." The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam agreed to this.

Suhayl now boldly said: "If one of us goes over to you he shall be returned to us even if he professes your religion." The Muslims jumped up saying: "What! How can we return a man who seeks our shelter as a Muslim?"

The contention was still going on when Abu Jandal Ibn Suhayl appeared in chains. He had escaped from Makkah and had come to the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam seeking protection. Suhayl lost no time to assert: "Muhammad, this is the first man I demand from you under the treaty."

The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam replied: "But the treaty is still being written and has not become final."

Suhayl retorted : "If it is so then I am not prepared to make any agreement with you."

The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said again: "Let him go for my sake."

But Suhayl refused : "I will not allow him to go even for your sake."

Now, the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam replied: "Then do as you please."

Suhayl was still foaming at the mouth. He retorted: "I have nothing to do."

Abu Jandal spoke saying: "I have come as a Muslim to you, and I am being returned again to the polytheists. Do you not see what they are doing to me?" Abu Jundal had been put to severe torture for the sake of his faith. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, however, returned Abu Jandal as demanded.

The treaty concluded between the Muslims and the Quraish ran as follows :

1. The Muslims would return to Madinah immediately.
2. They may visit Makkah the following year but could stay for three days only.
3. They would not carry any arms except a sword.
4. If any person from Makkah goes to Madinah he would be returned to Makkah. If a person comes to Makkah he would not be returned to the Muslims.
5. The tribes of Arabia were free to enter into alliance with any party they liked.
6. Both the parties would observe a ten-year truce so that men might live in peace and that no party would lift its hand against the other during this period. (3)

Faith put to Trial

The terms of agreement and the obligation to return without performing Umrah plunged the Muslims into the most profound depression. It seemed incredible to them how the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam had agreed to such seemingly unfair terms. Having concluded the treaty, the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam asked the Sahabah to sacrifice their animals. Being disheartened, nobody moved. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam then retired to his tent and mentioned this to his wife, Umm Salama Radhi Allahu Anha. She advised him to sacrifice his animals and get his head shaved. The Muslims sat with a long face for they were feeling beaten and crushed at not being able to see the Ka'bah, but when they saw the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam doing this, they rushed to follow him in sacrificing the animals and shaving their heads.

A Great Victory

The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam then broke camp to return to Madinah. He was still on the way when Allah confirmed that the truce of Hudaibiyah was not a setback but a signal victory :

"Verily, we have given you (0 Muhammad) a manifest victory that Allah may forgive you your sins of the past and the future and complete His favour upon you and guide you on the straight path. And that Allah may help you with strong help." (Surah Al-Fath, verse 1)

Umar Radhi Allahu Anhu could not understand it and asked the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam: "Is it a victory, 0 Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam?" The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam replied: "Yes."

The treaty turns to victory

A short time after the treaty Abu Baseer escaped from Makkah and came to Madinah. According to the treaty, the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam returned him to the Quraish. Abu Baseer, however, escaped from them and settled in Saif al-Bahr. Here other Muslims who had escaped from Makkah began to join him and they decided to plunder the Quraishi caravans that passed their way. The Makkans were now unable to control them and finally asked the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam to do away with the clause which forced their return to Makkah. These Muslims now returned to Madinah.

The treaty of Hudaibiyah also won the hearts of two great military commanders of the Qurasih :

1. Khalid Ibn Walid Radhi Allahu Anhu, the brave warrior who was given the title of the 'Sword of Allah' by the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
2. Amr Ibn Al-Aas who would conquer Egypt in the years to come. (4)


Lessons to learn

  • The events that followed proved that the truce of Hudaibiyah was a decisive step in gaining victory for Islam. Islam began to make rapid advances amongst the tribes in the Arabian Peninsula. It opened the door to the occupation of Makkah and, before long, it became possible to send deputations inviting the Caesar, Chosroes and Negus to accept Islam.
  • One of the advantages issuing from the truce was that the Muslims were no longer reckoned as exiles and outlaws. Now, they were a community worthy of the attention of the Quraish with whom they had made a treaty as equals. And, perhaps, even more important was the atmosphere of peace and tranquillity. The vigour and strength of the Muslims could now be availed of for taking the message of Islam to the tribes of the desert. The truce provided an opportunity to the Muslims to meet and indulge in conversation and discussion with the tribes thus far hostile and antagonistic to them and this allowed them to appreciate the beauties and virtues of Islam. They now began to discover that the people who ate their food, wore their dress, spoke their language and were born and brought up in the desert like them, had, in a few years, been changed into a new class of people. Such a change had occurred in them that they gave up polytheism, idol worship, tribal pride, vengeance and lust for blood and began to take the path of virtue and justice. They could clearly see that the teachings of Islam and the guidance of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam had brought about this change of heart.

Thus, within a year of the truce, as many Arabs embraced Islam as had not entered Islam during the last fifteen years. This was demonstrated by the fact that the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam went to Hudaibiyah with one thousand four hundred men but two years later he returned with ten thousand men for the conquest of Makkah.



(1) Nadwi, Syed Ab al-Hasan Ali, Muhammad Rasulullah, Lucknow, 1982, p. 258

(2) Mubarakpuri, Safi-ur-Rahman, Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum, Riyadh, 2000, p. 342

(3) Mubarakpuri, Safi-ur-Rahman, Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum, Riyadh, 2000, p. 343

(4) Nadwi, Syed Ab al-Hasan Ali, Muhammad Rasulullah, Lucknow, 1982, p. 271



Dua when one is angry


One who curses another and the curse does not befit that person then the curse falls upon the one who curse. (Tirmidhi)