The Biography of

Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

Compiled and presented by

Special supplement
The miracle of Zamzam

Zamzam is the name of a famous well in Masjid al-Haraam in Makkah, close to the Ka'bah. Muslims regard the water of Zamzam as revered and unique. Those who go to the sacred lands of Makkah and Madinah return home carrying it for thousands of miles as a prized possession. They drink it in abundance and give it as a special gift to friends and family.

It is unique in many ways : how it came to being in the middle of the desert, the beneficial qualities it has, the fact that it is far away from any other source of water, the fact that it has never dried up despite providing water to millions of thirsty pilgrims every year and despite it being distributed worldwide to millions of people.

Zamzam water has scientifically been proven to contain healing qualities due to its higher content of calcium, magnesium and natural fluorides. It is also an established scientific fact that water wells tend to grow algae, especially in warm climates. This is not the case with the well of Zamzam. It has remained free from biological contamination for countless of years.

History of Zamzam

Ibraahim came with his wife, Hajira, and his son, Ismail Alaihimus Salaam, to Makkah where he left them with some dates and water. When these had been consumed Hajira Alaihas Salaam left her son at the bottom of the valley and ran from Mount Safa to Mount Marwa in search of water. When she had done so seven times she suddenly heard a noise. She came down to her son and saw an angel striking it's wings on the desert sand. Water miraculously issued from the spot. She drank to her fill and fed her baby. A tribe from Yemen, the Jurhum, settled in the area and the area came to be the centre of activity.

In the course of time the well was lost. Years later Abdul Muttalib, the grand father of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was commanded in a dream to dig at a specific point around the Kabah. The well of Zamzam was once again found and has continued producing water to this day.

Virtues of Zamzam water

Zamzam was the first of the fruits from the dua of Ibrahim Alaihis Salaam for the area. It was the sole reason why the Jurhum settled in Makkah and it grew to become a city. Zamzam is the most precious water on earth. With it the heart of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was washed on a number of occasions. It has been blessed with the saliva of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. It is a cure for sickness. It has been the point of supplication for the righteous and pious for ages.

Two angels washed the heart of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam with Zamzam when he was a child. Scholars have mentioned that this was done to make him stronger so that he could see the heavens, earth, paradise and hell, because one of the special qualities of Zamzam is that it strengthens the heart and calms the soul.

How to drink Zamzam

It is sunnah to drink Zamzam water and to quench one's thirst with it. The scholars have mentioned that it is mustahab (recommended) to drink water with the right hand, to face the Ka'bah, to say Bismillah before drinking, to pause and take a breath three times while drinking, to drink to one's fill, to praise Allah after one finishes and to make an abundance of dua while drinking.

The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said: "The water of Zamzam is for whatever purpose it is drunk for." (Ibn Maajah)

A person should drink it and supplicate for all of one's physical and spiritual needs of this world and Hereafter. Allah will surely grant it to him.


Ibn Abbaas Radhi Allahu Anhu narrated that when the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam drank Zamzam he said the following prayer :

Translation : "O Allah , grant me beneficial knowledge, abundant sustenance and cure from all diseases."